Day 2. Today was going to be a double header. Not just Norway, but the whole of northern Europe's, highest road in the morning, followed by Norway's third highest road in the evening. Rolling along the valley floor in the sunshine I felt pretty good. When we turned left onto Raubergstulsvegen, I swiftly stopped feeling pretty good. This is the road tourists in cars use to access Galhødpiggen, Norway's highest mountain, and also the small ski centre at Juvasshytta. Brutally steep in places, it is also relentless. Already I was having to mix in liberal helpings of #bikepushing to counter my heavily-laden bike and weakness. The weather threw us a curveball halfway up, dishing up a rain shower that had us scrambling for our rain jackets and then gusts of wind that briefly stole Mikkel's helmet while he was preoccupied with layering up. 第二天:今天将会是个双重挑战日。 上午面临的不仅仅是挪威的,也是整个北欧最高的山路,下午到晚上紧跟着是挪威第三高的山路。开始沿着河谷一路踩踏,阳光拂面,说不出的舒爽,当我们在Raubergstulsvegen左转后,舒爽的时光骤逝,这条路横空出世,自驾游客常取道于此前往Galhodpiggen-挪威的最高山峰(弹幕:如果有哪位高人懂挪威语,麻烦帮忙翻译地名为中文吧,这些字母打的我手抽),在Juvasshytta也坐落着一座小型滑雪场。 变态的坡度...还是接连不断的爬升...虽然弱爆,但我并非跟自己过不去,该推车时就推车,自我安慰一下,我的行李毕竟要重些。半道上,天气骤变,暴雨突至,我们穿着雨衣奋力攀爬,苦不堪言。老米停车加衣服的时候,一阵风差点把他的头盔给刮跑。
At the summit we called into the virtually deserted restaurant at the ski centre. We recharged our bodies with cake and hot coffee while surreptitiously recharging our electronics under the table. When my heart rate had lowered back to something resembling normal, we suited up and began the charge down to the valley floor. We stopped several times to play photographic-leap-frog, which slowed our descent considerably, but that was a seriously epic road descent. Panoramic views, dubious surface quality and non-existent road markings or railings made for a thrilling, white-knuckle ride. It just went on forever. Corner after corner, interspersed with straight line bombing. My neck, fingers and smiling muscles ached, unused to descents that lasted half an hour. 当到达山顶的时候,我们造访了滑雪场几乎荒废了的小餐馆(夏季了,滑雪场没人才是正常吧?),饱食蛋糕,狂饮咖啡来补充能量,顺道给随身用电器也充充电。等到心率恢复如常,我们立马穿戴齐整,冲向谷底。我们中途停下来,拍了些“一二三跳”的照片,拖延了不少时间,不过话说,真是一段超赞的下山路--无死角的景观视觉,时好时坏的路面,没有警告标示,没有路边护栏,惊险刺激,差点吓尿。急弯连着急弯,永坠不休,间或一段直线坑爹路。下山路仅仅持续了不到半小时,脖子手指僵疼,连带着表情都是僵硬的(尼玛冲太快了吧?)。
When we had got the feeling back in our seized braking fingers at the bottom, we turned our attention towards Blåhø, Norway's third highest road. We pedalled the 20km back to Lom on a mix of quiet country roads and gravel, stocked up on snacks again and set off. 等待捏刹车到抽筋的手指恢复知觉,我们立马奔向Blåhø---挪威第三高路。我们沿着一条砂石间或铺装的寂静乡村路回骑20公里到达Lom,采购一些食品后继续进发。
A further 30km of mixed surface riding brought us to the grocery store at the base of the mountain. It was gone 8p.m. as we set off, but Norway's northern latitude and generous daylight in summer meant running out of light wasn't a huge concern. The ascent of Blåhø was far less difficult for me because, not only was it almost entirely on gravel, but most of the steep stuff was completed inside the first 5km.I had caught my second wind, meaning I actually rode my bike most of the time. We summited at around 22.45, the road ending abruptly at a metal door, leading into the James Bond villain's lair-esque building at the top. Once again we suited up, ran around taking photos and shovelled snacks into our now relentless metabolisms. 又骑了30公里混合路面后,到达山下的杂货店。此时已近下午八点,但夏季是北极圈内挪威的极昼时节,基本不存在摸黑夜行的问题。Blåhø的上坡路段,远没有意料之中的困难,不仅是因为全程砂石路的乐趣,更重要的是陡峭的部分已尖灭于最初的5公里路段,我总算是骑顺了,全程都是骑上去的而没有推车。晚上22:45,我们总算到达了山路之巅,道路意外终结于一扇金属门,通向山顶的类似詹姆士邦德电影里那种庄园基地。加件衣服,我们一边闲逛拍照,一边狼吞虎咽吃零食,应付剧烈的新陈代谢。
I'm calling that gravel road descent almost definitely well after sunset and probably a whisker before full darkness. Tiredness had me letting go of the brakes quite a bit more than my wide awake persona would, especially on the more open top section. My loaded bike slewing through a few corners as I just let things go for a while. Towards the bottom, as things started to steepen and darken in equal proportion, I clung to the brake levers more. As the stench of overheating disc brake pads faded, we pedalled off along the valley road, into the night. We crawled off the road onto a forest track and camped right there, in the middle of the path, and in the middle of an ant highway. We didn't care. 下山的砂石路,是在日落之后,离漆黑只差毫厘之间完成的。剧烈的疲劳让我恍惚了好一阵,甚至在比较开阔的山顶路段,我都忘记了捏刹车,我沉重的单车在几个拐角处无意识地迅速切弯而过,而正常情况下,我是不会那么冒失的。快到山脚的时候,道路变陡,视觉变暗,我才开始多捏刹车了。直到碟片过热,来令片剧烈磨损而发出异味,我们才在乡村道边停下来,准备过夜,几乎是从路边爬行到森林边儿上,在林道正中间扎下帐篷休息,未曾想还挡住蚂蚁大军行进大道,但我们毫没在意。
Mikkel had pencilled Day 3 in as a kind of transfer day, 130km and only one 700m climb of note. The sun shone in the morning and our brief dalliance of with the traffic on the E6 highway only produced one asshole driver, who's several seconds saved by not slowing down or giving us any room on the side of the road was apparently far more important than our safety. We dived off the highway and Mikkel started down an overgrown lane, pushing his bike past barriers that clearly conveyed that the road ahead was closed. Arcing across the river was a wooden bridge. The faded road sign next to hit, partially hidden by head high grass, touted it's weight limit at 6 tonnes. I could totally believe it, if this bridge has been maintained in the last, what, decade?! We really didn't have much choice about crossing it, unless we fancied duking it out with more dicks in their German cars on the highway. I walked closer and touched the guardrail. The entire structure almost fell off the side of the bridge. Every part I touched the wood powdered under my finger's light pressure. Mikkel went first and made it across with no problem. I was just about done forcing down my fear of the bridge collapsing under the weight of my bike and steeled myself to cross, when Mikkel forced me to wait a little longer while he got his camera out. Cheers, buddy! 按照米克的计划,第三日为“调休日”,计划中只有130公里行程,只有700米的爬升。清晨阳光美好,但我们与E6公路的情缘很快被一个混蛋司机给搅和了,这家伙好几次与我们并行,不断挤压我们的安全空间--这对骑行者来说是非常重要的安全因素。我们迅速驶离公路,走上一条杂草丛生的小道,米克带车翻过围栏,发现道路似乎封闭了。一座木桥跨河而立,破落的路标在一人多高的杂草中若隐若现,貌似说这桥限重6吨。我几乎完全相信眼前的一切,这桥看似有数十年没有维护过了。但我们貌似并没有更好的选择,除非我们能干掉那个公路上开着德国车的混蛋。我走近木桥,摇晃下护栏,整个组件几乎都掉了下来,轻捏了下木质部分,腐朽程度不低。米克首先通过木桥,没有任何问题。我好不容易克服了恐惧--生怕桥面受不了我的重量而坍塌,坚定信心过桥,期间米克又非要让我停下稍候,来一发照片。兄弟,说茄子!